Sunday, February 10, 2013


                                                By: Salma Hossam Mohsen

      Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Rahim (In the name of Allah),

      Why? The only answer should be for the sake of Allah, as simple as that. Allah is Al-Awal (The First) and he is Al-Akher (The last), make him that and you will have peace of mind.  
      Why do I go to school/work? For the sake of Allah.
      Why do I get married? For the sake of Allah.
      Why do I treat people nicely? Why do I smile? For the sake of Allah.

       The answer is always that simple.

       There is nothing in the world that should concern you more than that. We get carried away so easily in our daily lives forgetting the main purpose. Life is not but a few days, and you are here on a mission, so don’t get carried away. Always make sure that your Niyah (Intention) is to please the All Mighty and the All Loving, the Most Merciful my beloved Allah.

       How do you know that your on the right track? Its when the last thing you think of before you go to sleep, the thing that’s been occupying you all day, the thing you care about the most: is what have I done for the sake of Allah today, how much am I grateful and how much do I love Him and His messenger Mohamed (PBUH).

       Let the earth and the skies weep when you die, let them testify for you on the day of judgment and not against you, that every step you took on this earth was only for His sake.

      You are showered with blessings, you are breathing, your reading. If one of Allah’s gifts is weighed against all your deeds, your deeds will never be enough. We are dealing with the Most Generous, the Kindest, the One who has the most beautiful names; Allah (SWT).

        So Elhamdollelah (Thank you Allah).

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