Wednesday, January 30, 2013

My Super Hero Cape

       Asalam Aleykom lovely people!! 
                           The following poem is extra special to me. I hope you all like it!                                                       
                                                My Superhero Cape
                                               By: Habiba Ghanem

Most superheroes have capes around their necks
And while I may not be a superhero I have a cape around my head
It is one way for me to represent
The messages of Prophets that Allah has sent
A way for people to REALLY see
My true identity
A way for me to earn respect
And a way for me, my sisters, and Muslims everywhere to connect

I know that some will judge
But rest assured I won’t budge
For what they may not approve of is my safe haven
One of many reminders that my ultimate goal is to go to heaven

And while it may not be a cape that allows me to fly
It gives me many reasons to smile
It is something that makes me, me
Just your average hijabee

For the latest updates make sure to follow Hijabymo on Twitter: @Hijabymo
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Monday, January 28, 2013

12:23 a.m

12:23 a.m.
By: Monica Elshazzly

So is it accountable to wake up in the morning the next day alive?
The fear of dying suddenly haunts me day by day.
Night by night.
Hour by hour.
Minute by minute.
Second by second.
Seriously, When you are all alone trapped in your life script, ask yourself.
Is it worth watching?
Worth answering questions about your life, beliefs and religion.
Is it?

Take a minute there, and breathe.
It'll take a while till you wake up.
Take your time to wake up, because frankly.. 
It might be too late.

Take all your hopes and dreams aside. 
And ask yourself what do you do to thank He who gave you all those things you have.
Do you pray the 5 prayers on time?

Do you lower your gaze to your brothers and sisters for the sake of Allah?
Think about it..
What do YOU do?
You might read this and say who the hell is she to tell me what to do or how to think?
And you might also read this and say, Oh my.. What have I been doing with my life all those years?
Let me tell you..
You see..

Well.. I've been thinking.
Or.. Let's say I always try to think of Him.

Allah -Sobhanw'ta3ala.

And I always ask myself.
I ask myself, will Almighty forgive my selfishness?
Is it possible to enter paradise? 
Will Allah -Sobhanw't3ala stand by my side in every obstacle He puts me through?
It is a dilemma.
Always a catastrophe.
Contradiction of emotions and thoughts in a minute or so.
My head seems to explode.

I shake.
The thought of dying knocks me down.
I wish.

And then I hope. 
Someday I'll know and I'll be forever rested upon His hands.
Somehow I'll follow my soul and give my life to Allah for eternity.

Someday.. Somehow..

"I will sacrifice my being for Allah, and Prophet Mohamed" -maypeacebeuponhim.

 For the latest updates make sure to follow Hijabymo on Twitter: @Hijabymo
 Also be sure to check out my FB page:
Top of Form

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Lucky Blessings

                                                     Lucky Blessings
                                          By: Mariam Ghanem

       I have a story to tell you. A story that may or may not make a difference in your life. A story that you may hear plenty of times but it’s significance still remains obscure. I don’t believe that after you read this you will be hit with a moment of clarity. Nor can I guarantee that you will see the light and everything will make perfect sense. However, I’ll tell it to you anyways because maybe you will find similarities in my life and my experiences that pertain to the path you are on. Maybe these similarities will show you that at the end of the day we are all human, and although at first glance our differences are all we see, if we look a little closer we will realize just how identical we are.
    Have you ever felt truly grateful for someone? Have you ever felt that if you did not have someone in your life then everything would feel empty and you would be incomplete? If you have, then you know that the most common reaction to those feelings is to do everything in your power to make that person stay. I desperately wanted Allah to stay with me. It was more than just religious duty or spiritual inclination, it was a matter of life or death and the person at risk was my soul. My path to hijab was not long or troublesome, Alhamdulillah, rather it was short and simple. This is not to say that I was (am) a perfect person whose spirituality is at a level much higher than everyone else’s. Rather it was more about Allah.
    I always wanted to wear hijab. Ever since I was a little girl there was no doubt in my mind that when I grew up I would wear hijab proudly and happily. Some say I was “lucky” because I was raised in a religious household and my parents instilled in me the Islamic values that have made me the person I am today.  Others may say that I was “lucky” to overhear my father discussing the importance of hijab with my sister and having his advice still ringing in my head today. And still some may say that I was “lucky” to be so sure about hijab and its’ significance in my life.
    But I was not lucky, I was blessed Alhamdulillah. Luck is a trivial concept that means nothing in the real world. Many people grow up in religious households but end up choosing a different path, and the opposite is true as well. Many times I sit and wonder if my life was different would I have been able to choose the path I am on today or would I be a completely different person. The truth of the matter is I have no idea. I am not totally disregarding the importance of circumstances, however, I believe that the power of your circumstances pales in comparison to the power of your strength to choose otherwise.
     I remember the day when my dad told my sister something that shook my world and changed my perspective on a lot of things. He said that, “For every man who sees you without your hijab you get a sayeea.” Nothing has ever shocked and profoundly influenced my way of thinking as much as the sentence above. I vowed that I would never give anyone the opportunity to be the reason for the sins on my left shoulder to increase. When I pursued the matter more I learned not why hijab was an obligation for Muslim women, but why hijab was important to me personally. I was not thinking about anything the day I decided to wear hijab other than that this was my armor and my shield protecting me from harms way. This was something that covered my beauty but did not eliminate it. Something that covered my head but did not destroy my brain, rather it amplified my intelligence.
     The first couple of days after I started wearing hijab were truly the most amazing days of my life. The warmth and happiness that I felt inside my heart were absolutely indescribable. I felt a special kind of peace that to this day is the reason why I am a stronger person. I remember that an elderly man I’d never met before came up to me the first day I wore hijab and congratulated me on the big step I had just taken.  He concluded his shocking statement with a simple “Rabena yebareklek” (God Bless you). And He has. He has blessed me with the honor of getting to know and love Him. He has blessed me with indisputable clarity and doubtless confidence.
    The day I grabbed a scarf and told my cousin to help me wear it, I was not choosing hijab, rather Allah had chosen me to take a step closer to him. Allah had cleared a path for me out of all the people in the world, and I was getting ready to walk that path. I do not believe in a neon light or a day that will “just feel right”, but I do believe in knowing what is right and doing it without thinking of the worldly consequences that will mean nothing to you in the future. So my advice to anyone conflicted or confused is quite simple; find what is going to make you a better person and just do it.  A lot of girls are waiting for the right day or the right moment to wear hijab and to those girls I say: there is no right day, no right time, and no right moment, everyday you are breathing is the perfect day, the perfect time, and the perfect moment.

  For the latest updates make sure to follow Hijabymo on Twitter: @Hijabymo
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Saturday, January 19, 2013

In Allah We Must Trust

Salams everyone!
         I hope you are all doing well! The first SuperMuslims issue for the new year discussed, husn el dhun. Be sure to check out the rest of the awesome articles in the magazine. Links are provided at the bottom!

                                      In Allah (SWT) We Must Trust
                                             By: Habiba Ghanem
            Many of us know that when a group of idolaters wanted to attack our beloved Prophet Muhammed (PBUH), eighteen year old, Ali Ibn Abu-Talib took his place and slept in his bed while the Prophet (PBUH) escaped.

            But did you know that the Prophet (PBUH) saw the idolaters when he was leaving, and did you know that they saw him too?

            Yep that’s right, they saw him but the All Mighty Allah paralyzed them and they weren’t able to do harm to our Prophet (PBUH). 

            Meanwhile, Ali (RA) who was expecting to get attacked, was sleeping peacefully. Ironic, right? But according to Ali (RA), it was the best sleep that he ever had. When the idolaters entered the house, they unveiled the cover of the bed only to find Ali (RA) sleeping instead of the Prophet (PBUH). 

            The idolaters could’ve killed Ali (RA), they were brutal people that were capable of such a thing. Ali (RA) was after all the Prophet’s (PBUH) companion, cousin, and son-in-law, killing him would be harming to the Prophet (PBUH). But they couldn’t kill Ali (RA).

            You, see this event took place to test Ali’s (RA) faith. He loved the Prophet (PBUH), he loved our religion, and he loved Allah (SWT), and to ensure his loyalty to the deen he was tested.
            Ali’s (RA) faith and assurance that Allah’s plan for him was the best plan, alongside his dependence on Allah (SWT), eased whatever fears he may have had. When he turned to Allah (SWT) and put his trust in Him, he was able to pass the test. His trust in Allah was the shield protecting him against the harm of the idolaters. 

            In this life we are going to be tested over and over again. It’s important to stick to your faith, and it’s important to know that whatever hardships you face, no matter how hard or immense it may seem you must remember that Allah (SWT) is greater, greater than anything imaginable. You must be sure and trust that whatever Allah (SWT) sends your way that it’s for the best. Believe that something good will come out of any hardship. Give your heart to Allah for truly He is the only one that can ease it. It’s only when we put our trust in Allah (SWT) that we will realize that nothing can harm us.



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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

This is Me

                                                                    This is Me
                                                         By: Mai Demderdash

It is part of who I am. Without any exaggeration it just became my identity; this is ME. It makes me feel so powerful, because I know that I wake up everyday to make the same decision that I've been making for the past nine years. All by myself, I choose who sees what, I put the limits I want, and I dress the way I want.
The story of me getting veiled is not very exciting, Ilhamdulellah I did not struggle like others did; my family was neutral, they respected my decision except for my loving Grandma who always thought I would never get married with the veil on; 'Typical Egyptian grandma'.
I was 13 when I put on hijab, and I cannot remember any other reason convincing me to take such a step except for my mathematics teacher who was just perfect mashaAllah. She was Decent, well raised, very very dedicated to her work, helpful, kind, successful, very successful actually and veiled. She impressed me with everything she did, and the way she dressed, and made me as a teenager find her style actually way better than anyone else’s style. She was cool, chic, casual, young and neat all at the same time. She was a walking example of my all-time dream, which is being a successful Muslim Woman who impresses people with her actions. I don't believe she knows the impact she had on my life, I never told her I love my veil that much because of her.
It has been 9 years now and not once Illhamdulelllah did I think that I was any less pretty than other girls. I knew exactly back then what I was giving up the moment I decided to put on hijab; I knew what kind of guys would lose interest in knowing me, what kind of clothes I would never be able to wear, and what kind of places I would never go to. But it didn't matter then just as it doesn’t matter now because the most important thing is that I know WHO I gave this all up for. He is the Most Merciful, who sends people to compliment my appearance to raise my spirit. He is the Most Merciful who made my friends for so many years adjust their outings to be suitable for me; He is the Most Generous who gave me family and friends who were nothing but supportive and nice throughout the years. And He is " Al-Wadood” (The Most Loving) who made my grandma now show off to her friends how pretty she thinks I am with my veil on.
Isn't He just, amazing. Subhan Allah =). 

 For the latest updates make sure to follow Hijabymo on Twitter: @Hijabymo
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