Look Up
By: Salma Hossam Mohsen
I’m about to explode!
I feel that way a lot, I’m about to explode from the thoughts in my head, from things happening around me, from words left unsaid…
It’s just the feeling that you have something to say but you’ve never been able to do so.
We all have a dream or better yet many dreams. We are afraid and over think, a million thoughts pass through your head in just one second.
I feel that way a lot, I’m about to explode from the thoughts in my head, from things happening around me, from words left unsaid…
It’s just the feeling that you have something to say but you’ve never been able to do so.
We all have a dream or better yet many dreams. We are afraid and over think, a million thoughts pass through your head in just one second.
You reach that point when
all you really want to do is SCREAM!
Now imagine with me that you’re praying and when you do sujoud hold on to the ground and pull yourself down! In your head with your inner voice shout and say “YAAAA RABBBB!!” AS LOUD AS YOU CAN AS IF YOUR DROWINING AND BEGGING TO BE HEARD FOR ONE LAST TIME…
Then breathe and let it sink in that Allah has heard you, and whatever it is that’s deep down in your soul will happen.
“And when My servants ask Thee (O’ Prophet) about Me, then verily I am near, I answer the prayer (Dua) of the supplicant when he beseeches unto Me. So let them hear My call, and believe in Me, so that they may be led aright.” [Quran 2: 186]
Read this Ayah once and twice , read it many times till it sinks in. Yes god is there, yes He can hear your prayers, even your silent prayers. He is closer to you than your jugular vein. I’m overwhelmed by the love and mercy Allah has for us.
How can we despair when He is so near? I constantly ask myself don’t I have faith!?
I say this to you and to myself, the next time you feel that you can’t take it anymore, that you can’t breathe, that you want to scream and be heard LOOK UP! Do not be despaired from the mercy of Allah “I am near, I answer the prayer” that is a fact!
We all want a sign, here is your sign “We shall show them Our signs in the Universe and within themselves, until it becomes clear to them that this is the Truth. Is it not enough that your Lord is the witness of all things?”[Quran 41:53]
You are a sign, you are a miracle believe in yourself and in the beauty of your dream. Believe in all the good that the future holds for you and in the day when you will finally be able to look at Allah’s face (SWT), because you said “Ya rab, I want you please want me too”. Now wait in anticipation for that dream never doubt it, work for it because it’s near, speak to Allah for he is Mighty.
One last thing! When you get that thing you want (FACT) don't forget to look up again and thank god and shout “ELHAMDOLLELAH” the same way you asked for it, be at least equally thankful for it!
Now imagine with me that you’re praying and when you do sujoud hold on to the ground and pull yourself down! In your head with your inner voice shout and say “YAAAA RABBBB!!” AS LOUD AS YOU CAN AS IF YOUR DROWINING AND BEGGING TO BE HEARD FOR ONE LAST TIME…
Then breathe and let it sink in that Allah has heard you, and whatever it is that’s deep down in your soul will happen.
“And when My servants ask Thee (O’ Prophet) about Me, then verily I am near, I answer the prayer (Dua) of the supplicant when he beseeches unto Me. So let them hear My call, and believe in Me, so that they may be led aright.” [Quran 2: 186]
Read this Ayah once and twice , read it many times till it sinks in. Yes god is there, yes He can hear your prayers, even your silent prayers. He is closer to you than your jugular vein. I’m overwhelmed by the love and mercy Allah has for us.
How can we despair when He is so near? I constantly ask myself don’t I have faith!?
I say this to you and to myself, the next time you feel that you can’t take it anymore, that you can’t breathe, that you want to scream and be heard LOOK UP! Do not be despaired from the mercy of Allah “I am near, I answer the prayer” that is a fact!
We all want a sign, here is your sign “We shall show them Our signs in the Universe and within themselves, until it becomes clear to them that this is the Truth. Is it not enough that your Lord is the witness of all things?”[Quran 41:53]
You are a sign, you are a miracle believe in yourself and in the beauty of your dream. Believe in all the good that the future holds for you and in the day when you will finally be able to look at Allah’s face (SWT), because you said “Ya rab, I want you please want me too”. Now wait in anticipation for that dream never doubt it, work for it because it’s near, speak to Allah for he is Mighty.
One last thing! When you get that thing you want (FACT) don't forget to look up again and thank god and shout “ELHAMDOLLELAH” the same way you asked for it, be at least equally thankful for it!
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